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  • Blockchain Life 2024 gathered the leaders of the crypto community from 120 countries in Dubai
    Blockchain Life 2024 gathered the leaders of the crypto community from 120 countries in Dubai

    by Admin

    Dubai, Oct 23, 2024 - The 13th edition of the Blockchain Life Forum, the premier gathering for cryptocurrency leaders worldwide, recently concluded with an astounding attendance of over 12119 participants. The forum showcased over 200 esteemed speakers, featuring industry pioneers and executives from top companies, including OKX, CoinMarketCap, Bitmain, Bybit, Binance, Animoca Brands, Circle, BingX, ICP, Kraken, TON, Sandbox, Polygon, Litecoin, Sui, BNB Chain, Cardano, DYDX, VeChain, Osmosis, Chiliz, Algorand, Ether Fi, Manta, Mantle, Delysium, and many more. The exhibition of crypto companies featured 125 amazingly beautiful booths. Major players such as OKX, Bitmain, BingX, KuCoin, Bitget, Listing.Help, and Uminers offered attendees an exclusive glimpse into the latest technologies and innovations shaping the crypto landscape. As a spectacular finale to the forum, participants enjoyed the Legendary AfterParty at one of the world’s premier clubs, SKY2.0. This informal networking event provided a platform for top industry figures to connect, complemented by a dazzling live performance from internationally celebrated artist French Montana, who thrilled over 1,200 attendees with his chart-topping hits. Looking ahead, the next Blockchain Life is scheduled to be held on October 28-29, 2025 in Dubai.    Presale tickets and sponsorship applications for the upcoming Blockchain Life are currently available – please visit Blockchain Life Dubai for more information.   The organizers of Blockchain Life 2024 – Listing.Help and Jets.CapitalGeneral Sponsor of Blockchain Life 2024 - Uminers General Sponsor of the Official AfterParty – Bitmain  

  • Coinfest Asia 2024 Sukses Digelar, Siap Hadir Lagi Tahun Depan!
    Coinfest Asia 2024 Sukses Digelar, Siap Hadir Lagi Tahun Depan!

    by Admin

    Coinfest Asia 2024 telah sukses diselenggarakan di Nuanu City, Bali, pada tanggal 22-23 Agustus 2024. Sebagai festival kripto dan Web3 terbesar di Asia, acara ini berhasil menarik lebih dari 6.000 partisipan dari berbagai negara, menjadikannya momen penting bagi industri Web3 di kawasan ini. Kasan, Kepala Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI), menegaskan pentingnya Coinfest Asia sebagai platform utama bagi para pelaku industri aset kripto untuk berbagi pengetahuan, berkolaborasi, dan mengeksplorasi inovasi.  “Coinfest Asia berfungsi sebagai platform bagi para pelaku industri aset kripto untuk berbagi pengetahuan, berkolaborasi, dan mengeksplorasi inovasi dalam teknologi blockchain dan Web3, yang semuanya penting untuk memperkuat sektor aset kripto nasional,” ujar Kasan. Pada edisi ketiganya, Coinfest Asia berhasil meraih pertumbuhan acara yang luar biasa, dengan peningkatan partisipan tahunan sebesar 50%—dari 2.000 partisipan pada edisi perdana 2022 menjadi 4.000 partisipan pada 2023, dan lebih dari 6.000 partisipan pada 2024.  Menurut Felita Setiawan, peningkatan yang diraih tahun ini didukung oleh kondisi industri Web3 dan kripto yang kian positif.  “Tahun ini, jelas bahwa dari segi pasar, situasinya jauh lebih baik, dan peserta lebih antusias. Kami juga menghadirkan panel yang lebih interaktif dengan memungkinkan peserta dan panelis untuk saling berinteraksi. Dari segi pengalaman, acara dibuat lebih imersif dengan berbagai kegiatan yang menjangkau partisipan dari berbagai kalangan termasuk gamer dan developer,” kata Felita Setiawan. Mengusung tema "Where Innovation Meets Adoption," Coinfest Asia 2024 berhasil menghadirkan lebih dari 150 pakar kripto dan Web3 dunia, 100 sesi diskusi, 100 side events dan menciptakan lebih dari 25.000 koneksi yang berpeluang menghasilkan bisnis dan inovasi.  Acara ini juga menjadi jendela bagi perusahaan Web3 dunia untuk melihat potensi Indonesia di kancah Web3 global. Perusahaan seperti Internet Computer, Manta, dan Pendle, misalnya, mengaku kagum dengan antusiasme dan ekosistem Web3 di Indonesia.   Dominic Williams, Founder & Chief Scientist at DFINITY Foundation (Internet Computer), mengatakan, “Kualitas pengembang Indonesia termasuk yang terbaik di dunia—ini tidak terduga. Kami sangat optimis dengan Indonesia.”  Sementara itu, Victor Ji, Co-Founder Manta, mengungkapkan, “Saya sangat bullish terhadap komunitas di sini. Mereka sangat peduli dengan pengalaman pengguna dan produk yang mereka buat.”  Dan Anthony, Head of Growth Pendle, juga melihat pertumbuhan Web3 di Indonesia dengan optimisme, “Saya bisa melihat pertumbuhan Web3 di Indonesia yang jelas berkembang hanya dari energi yang saya lihat di Coinfest.” Coinfest Asia dan Target Besarnya di 2025 Tahun 2025 diprediksi akan menjadi tahun transformasi besar bagi industri kripto, khususnya di Indonesia. Mulai Januari 2025, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) akan mengambil alih peran Bappebti sebagai badan regulasi utama untuk industri kripto. Langkah ini diharapkan dapat menciptakan iklim industri kripto dan Web3 yang lebih baik dan stabil.  Dengan adopsi teknologi blockchain dan kripto yang terus meningkat secara global, Coinfest Asia 2025 akan kembali hadir dan berfokus pada isu-isu penting yang dihadapi industri, seperti perkembangan dalam Real World Assets (RWA), Digital Identity, AI (Artifical Intelligence) dalam blockchain, serta bagaimana perusahaan dapat menavigasi regulasi yang semakin kompleks. Selain itu, Coinfest Asia 2025 akan menjadi panggung bagi pengumuman besar dari proyek-proyek kripto terkemuka yang berpotensi membawa perubahan signifikan dalam industri. Felita Setiawan mengungkapkan, “Coinfest Asia 2025 tidak hanya akan menggandakan partisipasi tahun ini, tetapi juga akan mengangkat acara ini ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Kami berencana untuk memperkenalkan pengalaman interaktif baru, menghadirkan lebih banyak pemimpin industri global, dan memperluas peluang jaringan untuk mengakomodasi minat dan pentingnya teknologi Web3 yang semakin meningkat di Asia.” Tentang Coinfest Asia Coinfest Asia adalah festival kripto dan Web3 terbesar di dunia, yang menyatukan para pemimpin industri, inovator, dan komunitas untuk berdiskusi, belajar, dan berkolaborasi dalam mengembangkan masa depan teknologi Web3. Diadakan setiap tahun di Bali, Coinfest Asia terus menjadi platform utama bagi industri untuk memperluas jangkauan dan memperkuat ekosistemnya di kawasan ini. Coinfest Asia 2024 didukung oleh lebih dari 60 sponsor, seperti Polkadot, Mandala Chain, Coinstore, OKEx Wallet, CoinTech2u, CFX, Aptos, Haqq, Google Cloud, Ripple, Indodax, Tokocrypto, Pintu, Triv, Cloudmile, MEEET, Staynex, W3GG, BRI Bank, Bitget, dan banyak lainnya. Tentang Coinvestasi Didirikan pada tahun 2017, Coinvestasi menyediakan konten informatif dan kreatif setiap hari untuk para penggemar kripto dan blockchain di Indonesia di Coinvestasi.com, YouTube, Instagram, dan diskusi harian di Twitter, Telegram, dan komunitas Discord-nya. Coinvestasi adalah bagian dari grup media Indonesia Crypto Network (ICN).

  • Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai: Top Companies and Key Industry Figures Gather in the World Crypto Capital
    Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai: Top Companies and Key Industry Figures Gather in the World Crypto Capital

    by Admin

    On October 22-23, Dubai will host the 13th international forum Blockchain Life 2024 – one of the largest global events in the field of web3, cryptocurrencies, and mining. The forum will feature over 10,000 leading experts, crypto entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from 120 countries. Participants and speakers will discuss earning strategies, current issues of crypto market development and new trends ahead of the bull cycle. Among the speakers at the forum: Paolo Ardoino - CEO Tether Justin Sun - Founder of TRON Yat Siu - Co-Founder of Animoca Brands  Pascal Gauthier - CEO Ledger  Dr. Marwan Alzarouni - CEO Dubai Blockchain Center Xinxi Wang - Co-Founder of Litecoin Foundation Sunny Lu - CEO Vechain Sergei Khitrov - Founder of Jets Capital, Listing.Help Arthur Breitman - Co-Founder of Tezos Eowyn Chen - CEO of Trust Wallet Sunny Aggarwal - Co-Founder of Osmosis Labs Kostas Chalkias - Co-Founder of Sui (Mysten Labs)  Sasha Plotvinov - Founder of Notcoin Mustafa Al-Bassam - Co-Founder of Celestia Labs Tiago Henriques - Google Cloud Zied Brini - Сonsensys ❗️All forum participants will have exclusive and free access to simultaneous interpretation of speeches into 70 languages. Traditionally, the event will include speeches from over 200 speakers, an exhibition featuring more than 180 booths from leading companies and startups, a Startup Pitch, the Blockchain Life Awards 2024, and a legendary AfterParty.As part of Blockchain Life Week, which runs from October 18 to 28, there will be over a hundred side events. A VIP ticket to the forum allows free access to some of them for free. Use promo code BL-KBI2024 to receive a 10% discount on any ticket. Purchase tickets on the website: Blockchain Life 2024

  • Coinfest Asia 2024 akan Suguhkan Ragam Aktivitas Menarik di 17 Area Berbeda
    Coinfest Asia 2024 akan Suguhkan Ragam Aktivitas Menarik di 17 Area Berbeda

    by Admin

    Coinfest Asia, festival Web3 terbesar di Asia, kembali hadir pada 22-23 Agustus 2024. Coinfest Asia akan menghadirkan banyak kegiatan menarik di Nuanu City, Tabanan, Bali.  Nuanu City adalah kompleks luas dengan 17 area berbeda dan satu beach club menawan yang terhubung langsung ke pantai. Nuanu dirancang sebagai lokasi di mana semua area terintegrasi dan mudah dijangkau. Setiap area di Nuanu City yang digunakan oleh Coinfest Asia dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman imersif yang memperkuat interaksi dan koneksi antara ribuan peserta yang hadir. Diproyeksi Coinfest Asia 2024 akan kehadiran 6.000 partisipan dari berbagai negara. Acara ini juga menghadirkan 150 tokoh industri Web3 hingga berbagai merek ternama dari ekosistem Web3.  Mengusung slogan “Where Innovation Meets Adoption” Coinfest Asia menawarkan peluang bagi industri untuk memperluas ekosistemnya di wilayah Asia yang ramah kripto dan bagi investor ritel untuk menemukan proyek Web3 berkualitas. Rangkaian Aktivitas di Coinfest Asia 2024  Di edisinya yang ketiga, Coinfest Asia 2024 menghadirkan ETH SEA Hackathon, acara ini dirancang untuk mendorong inovasi dan menyediakan platform bagi pengembang untuk memamerkan keterampilan dan kreativitas mereka dalam teknologi Web3.  “ETH SEA Hackathon ini kami adakan untuk mempromosikan inovasi dan memamerkan keterampilan pengembang dalam teknologi Web3. Acara ini mendorong kolaborasi, mendorong batas-batas teknologi blockchain, melahirkan inovasi, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan adopsi,“ kata Felita Setiawan, Direktur Indonesia Crypto Network, induk perusahaan dari Coinfest Asia. ETH SEA telah membuka pendaftaran yang berlangsung dari 1 Juli hingga 20 Juli 2024.  Hackathon didukung oleh Lisk, Manta, Haqq, dan Aptos, dengan total hadiah sebesar US$50.000. Tak hanya menghadirkan ETH SEA, Coinfest Asia juga menghadirkan berbagai aktivitas menarik di 17 area yakni: Main Venue, Main Stage, Alpha Stage, Breakout Area, Exhibition Area, Title Area, Bull Cave, Gaming Area, Gelato Cave, Food Station, Community Grounds, Community Village, Startup Village, Warehouse After Party, Builders Hut - ETH SEA, Amphitheater, dan Beach House Selain itu, Coinfest Asia 2024 juga menghadirkan puluhan acara pendukung, termasuk Indonesia Blockchain Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia. Coinfest Asia Hadirkan Lebih dari 150 Pembicara Tokoh industri Waeb3 yang akan memeriahkan Coinfest Asia 2024 di antaranya adalah Zhu Su (Advisor di OX FUN),  Wei Zhou (CEO Coins.ph), Gracy Chen (CEO Bitget), Miguel Moorcraft ( Kepala Staf  Star Atlas), Oleg Fomenko (Co-founder Sweat Economy),  Dan Anthony (Head of Growth Pendle), Yoann Franck Turpin (Co-Founder Wintermute), Mokas (BONK), dan Yudhono Rawis (CEO Tokocrypto), Jeth Soetoyo (CEO PINTU), Oscar Darmawan (CEO Indodax), Brenda (Edukator Web3), Angga Andinata (CEO Belajarbitcoin.com), dan masih banyak lagi. Coinfest Asia 2024 didukung oleh Aptos, Google Cloud, Ripple, Tokocrypto, Triv, Cloudmile, Nettensor, Bitget, Bitwyre, Pintu, Polkadot, Mandala Chain, CFX, OKX, dan masih banyak lagi. Kesempatan menjadi sponsor masih dibuka, silahkan kunjungi laman sponsor Coinfest Asia.   Saat ini tiket Coinfest Asia dapat dibeli melalui situs Coinfest Asia, jadi tunggu apalagi, beli tiket Coinfest Asia sekarang!

  • Blockchain Life 2024 to Take Place in Dubai at the Peak of the Bull Run
    Blockchain Life 2024 to Take Place in Dubai at the Peak of the Bull Run

    by Admin

    Blockchain Life 2024 to Take Place in Dubai at the Peak of the Bull RunThe legendary Blockchain Life 2024 will return for its 13th edition on October 22-23. As Dubai gains a reputation as a global crypto hub, the forum is set to be the central event of this year. With the highly anticipated peak of the crypto market growth still ahead, the forum presents an excellent opportunity for attendees to maximize their earnings. More than 10,000 people from 120 countries are expected to gather at the forum, to gain valuable knowledge, forge new connections, and explore potential investment opportunities. The two-day event will feature a lineup of industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators who will share their insights and strategies in the fast-growing market. In addition to the insightful panel discussions, Blockchain Life 2024 will feature an innovative expo area where leading industry companies will showcase their latest products, services, and technologies. VIP ticket holders and speakers will also experience the hours of informal networking at the legendary After Party. Buy a ticket at the lowest price using promo code BL-KBI2024 Presale right now: Blockchain Life 2024

  • Coinfest Asia 2024 Konfirmasi Kehadiran Top Tokoh Web3 Dunia
    Coinfest Asia 2024 Konfirmasi Kehadiran Top Tokoh Web3 Dunia

    by Admin

    Coinfest Asia 2024 Konfirmasi Kehadiran Top Tokoh Web3 Dunia  Festival Web3 terbesar di Asia, Coinfest Asia, akan segera hadir di Nuanu City, Bali, pada 22-23 Agustus 2024. Edisi ketiga festival ini memiliki fokus untuk membuat adopsi Web3 di Asia kian berkembang dengan mengusung slogan “Where Innovation Meets Adoption”.  “Where Innovation Meets Adoption ini menunjukan bahwa Coinfest Asia akan menjadi tempat bertemunya industri dan retail yang saling terhubung dan mampu meningkatkan adopsi Web3 yang lebih luas, tak hanya itu acara ini juga bisa menjadi peluang industri untuk memperluas ekosistemnya di kawasan Asia yang mulai ramah kripto dan peluang bagi retail untuk menemukan proyek-proyek Web3 yang berkualitas,” kata Felita Setiawan, Direktur Indonesia Crypto Network, induk perusahaan dari Coinfest Asia.  Coinfest Asia diharapkan mampu menarik lebih dari 6.000 peserta dari seluruh dunia, dengan kehadiran lebih dari 150 tokoh terkemuka dalam ekosistem Web3 dunia.  CEO Aptos Hingga Founder TRON di Coinfest Asia 2024 Di antara para pembicara terkemuka yang akan memeriahkan Coinfest Asia 2024 adalah Mo Shaikh (Co-founder dan CEO Aptos), Wei Zhou (CEO Coins.ph), Oleg Fomenko (Co-founder Sweat Economy), dan Justin Sun (Pendiri Tron). Mereka akan berbagi pandangan dan pengalaman mereka dalam berbagai panel diskusi yang menarik seputar RWA, DePIN, AI & ML, dan masih banyak lagi.  Tokoh-tokoh industri lainnya juga turut meramaikan acara ini adalah Amanda Cassatt (Pendiri dan CEO Serotonin), Alexander Svanevik (CEO Nansen), Yat Siu (Pendiri dan Ketua Eksekutif Animoca Brands), Kenny Li (Pendiri Manta Network), Raks Sondhi (Chief Operating Officer di Upbit Singapura), Saad Ahmed (Kepala Asia Pasifik di Gemini), dan masih banyak lagi. Coinfest Asia 2024 menjanjikan pengalaman yang berbeda dengan adanya beragam area eksplorasi sebagai berikut. Main Stage: Tempat di mana para tokoh industri Web3 memberikan wawasan dan pemikiran terkini melalui keynote, panel, dan presentasi menarik.  Alpha Stage: Area untuk menemukan proyek-proyek kripto yang menjanjikan, serta berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi dengan hadiah menarik hingga puluhan ribu USD. ETH SEA : Ini adalah tempat untuk para developer mendapatkan wawasan mendalam tentang teknologi Ethereum dan Web3. ETH SEA juga akan menghadirkan hackathon yang diadakan di Builders Hut. Builders Hut: Tempat bagi para pengembang untuk mendapatkan wawasan mendalam mengenai teknologi Web3, termasuk acara ETH SEA yang akan menghadirkan hackathon bagi para pengembang.  Bull Area: Kesempatan untuk terhubung dengan pemimpin industri Web3 dan menjalin kemitraan yang bermanfaat.  Breakout Area: Tempat dimana para peserta bisa terkoneksi dan berdiskusi secara langsung para pembicara Coinfest Asia.  Kompetisi Trading: Confest Asia mengadakan kompetisi trading yang akan bekerja sama dengan exchange crypto terkemuka dan memberikan kesempatan bagi peserta untuk memenangkan hadiah ribuan ribu dolar AS.  Selain itu, Coinfest Asia 2024 juga menawarkan puluhan acara pendukung, termasuk Indonesian Blockchain Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia. Acara Coinfest Asia 2024 didukung oleh Aptos, Google Cloud, Ripple, Tokocrypto, Triv, Cloudmile, Nettensor, FMCPay, Bitget, Bitwyre, dan masih banyak lagi. Kesempatan menjadi sponsor masih dibuka, silahkan kunjungi laman sponsor Coinfest Asia.  Saat ini Coinfest Asia masih membuka tiket early bird yang akan segera habis, jadi tunggu apalagi, beli tiket Coinfest Asia sekarang!

  • Blockchain Life 2024 thunderstruck in Dubai
    Blockchain Life 2024 thunderstruck in Dubai

    by Admin

    Dubai, April 17, 2024 - The 12th edition of the Blockchain Life Forum, known as the leading gathering for global cryptocurrency leaders, concluded with an impressive turnout of 10,162 attendees despite the unprecedented storm that happened in Dubai. Representatives of the crypto industry have always stood apart, largely due to their unique character and the nature of their activities. After all, they are pioneers. And the most massive flood in Dubai in the last century did not prevent 10,162 people from meeting at the long-awaited Blockchain Life 2024, even despite the postponement of the second day of the forum. Needless to say, the atmosphere on the site was indescribable - a very special unity saturated the air. Throughout the event, the crypto community engaged in insightful discussions, made valuable connections, and struck important deals. Forum stages featured over 160 renowned speakers and industry leaders, including heads and management of Binance, Chainlink, Tron, Bybit, OKX, DFINITY, Ledger, Animoca Brands, Ton, Cardano, Singularity Net, LayerZero, Tether, Ripple, Trust Wallet and more. The exhibition of crypto companies featured 133 booths, which makes it the largest web3 expo in 2024. Such giants as OKX, HTX, Bybit, Bitget, BingX, Listing.Help, and Uminers presented their services, products and teams. This offered attendees a firsthand look at the latest technologies and innovations shaping the ecosystem. “This year, we reached a milestone with 10,162 attendees. They know that the current market growth is just the beginning of a real explosion. The next wave is coming, which is why top projects, insiders, and funds gathered at Blockchain Life to finalize their preparations. Now, we are gearing up for a historic bull run that will be remembered for years." commented the organizer of Blockchain Life, Sergei Khitrov. As a grand conclusion to the forum, participants were treated to the celebrated Legendary AfterParty at one of the world's premier clubs. Hours of informal networking with the cream of the industry took place in an all-inclusive format. The highlight of the event was an incredible live concert by the internationally acclaimed hitmaker, Alan Walker. With his chart-topping songs, Alan Walker captivated over 1,400 participants, showcasing the event's impressive global reach. Looking ahead, the 13th edition of Blockchain Life is scheduled to be held on October 22-23, 2024, providing participants with an opportunity to highlight their accomplishments and set the groundwork for future success.  Presale tickets and sponsorship applications for the upcoming Blockchain Life event are currently available – please visit Blockchain Life 2024 for more information. The organizers of Blockchain Life 2024 – Listing.Help and Jets.Capital. General Sponsor of Blockchain Life 2024 and the Official AfterParty – Uminers.  

  • Blockchain Life Forum 2024 in Dubai: find out how to make the most of the current Bull Run
    Blockchain Life Forum 2024 in Dubai: find out how to make the most of the current Bull Run

    by Admin

    The highly anticipated Blockchain Life Forum 2024 is set to take place in the vibrant city of Dubai on April 15-16. Welcoming industry professionals and crypto enthusiasts from around the world, this legendary event promises to be an unforgettable experience.This time the central topic of the forum will be making money on Bull Run, which has already begun. Forum speakers and attendees will share analytics and experience: which coins to buy and sell, which coins are worth investing in now, and which are better not to invest in. More than 8,000 people from more than 120 countries take part in the grand event.Learn more and buy a ticket:https://blockchain-life.com Confirmed speakers include top figures in the global crypto market such as: Justin Sun (Founder of TRON, Member of the HTX Global Advisory Board) Sergei Khitrov (Founder of Listing.Help, Jets.Capital and Blockchain Life)   Rachel Conlan (CMO of Binance) Paolo Ardoino (CEO of Tether, CTO of Bitfinex) Stephan Lutz (CEO and CFO of BitMEX) Yat Siu (Co-Founder of Animoca Brands) Dominic Williams (Founder and Chief Scientist of DFINITY (ICP)) Ben Goertzel (CEO of SingularityNET) Xinxi Wang (Co-Founder of Litecoin Foundation) Andrei Grachev (Managing partner of DWF Labs)and over 100 other speakers For a grand conclusion of the event, VIP ticket holders and forum speakers will have the exclusive opportunity to attend the main crypto party of 2024 - the legendary Blockchain Life AfterParty.The special guest at the AfterParty is the globally renowned hitmaker, Alan Walker, who will be performing an amazing live concert.But the excitement doesn't stop there. On April 13-21, the crypto community can immerse themselves in a fantastic Blockchain Life Week, filled with exciting parties and events organized by various industry companies.A VIP ticket to Blockchain Life 2024 allows for free access to some of those events in order to achieve a new level of networking experience.Buy tickets while they're still available with a promo code BL-KBI2024 and make the most of the current Bull Run: Blockchain Life 2024

  • Blockchain Life Forum 2024 in Dubai: find out how to make the most of the current Bull Run
    Blockchain Life Forum 2024 in Dubai: find out how to make the most of the current Bull Run

    by Admin

    The highly anticipated Blockchain Life Forum 2024 is set to take place in the vibrant city of Dubai on April 15-16. Welcoming industry professionals and crypto enthusiasts from around the world, this legendary event promises to be an unforgettable experience.This time the central topic of the forum will be making money on Bull Run, which has already begun. Forum speakers and attendees will share analytics and experience: which coins to buy and sell, which coins are worth investing in now, and which are better not to invest in. More than 8,000 people from more than 120 countries take part in the grand event.Learn more and buy a ticket:https://blockchain-life.com Confirmed speakers include top figures in the global crypto market such as: Justin Sun (Founder of TRON, Member of the HTX Global Advisory Board) Sergei Khitrov (Founder of Listing.Help, Jets.Capital and Blockchain Life)   Rachel Conlan (CMO of Binance) Paolo Ardoino (CEO of Tether, CTO of Bitfinex) Stephan Lutz (CEO and CFO of BitMEX) Yat Siu (Co-Founder of Animoca Brands) Dominic Williams (Founder and Chief Scientist of DFINITY (ICP)) Ben Goertzel (CEO of SingularityNET) Xinxi Wang (Co-Founder of Litecoin Foundation) Andrei Grachev (Managing partner of DWF Labs)and over 100 other speakers For a grand conclusion of the event, VIP ticket holders and forum speakers will have the exclusive opportunity to attend the main crypto party of 2024 - the legendary Blockchain Life AfterParty. The special guest at the AfterParty is the globally renowned hitmaker, Alan Walker, who will be performing an amazing live concert.But the excitement doesn't stop there. On April 13-21, the crypto community can immerse themselves in a fantastic Blockchain Life Week, filled with exciting parties and events organized by various industry companies. A VIP ticket to Blockchain Life 2024 allows for free access to some of those events in order to achieve a new level of networking experience.Buy tickets while they're still available with a promo code BL-KBI2024 and make the most of the current Bull Run: Blockchain Life 2024

  • Blockchain Life 2024: The world's leading crypto forum is back in Dubai
    Blockchain Life 2024: The world's leading crypto forum is back in Dubai

    by Admin

    The main event in the world of cryptocurrencies, mining, and web3 - Blockchain Life 2024 will take place in Dubai on October 22-23. It is expected that more than 8000 people from 140 countries will attend the forum - founders of the largest companies, industry leaders, and hundreds of young projects. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear the opinions of leading experts on current market trends and ways of earning, as well as take part in discussions, exchange experiences, and find new opportunities for development in the field. Join the community of crypto leaders at Blockchain Life 2024! Purchase tickets on the official website: Blockchain Life 2024

  • Digital Transformation Indonesia Conference Expo (DTI-CX) 2024
    Digital Transformation Indonesia Conference Expo (DTI-CX) 2024

    by Admin

    The Digital Transformation Indonesia – Conference & Expo (DTICX 2023), which took place from 26 – 27 July 2023, was a dedicated platform that connected tech solution providers with 10 crucial industry sectors in driving digital transformation in the country. Co-Hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Indonesia Telematics Society (MASTEL), and Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), DTICX 2023 brought together over 5,000 top leaders and decision-makers from industries including Government, Telco, Financial Services, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Utilities, FMCG, Logistics, Infrastructure, and Education. The success of DTICX 2023 has paved the way for the next edition, DTICX 2024, which is scheduled to be held from 31 July to 1 August 2024 at the Jakarta Covention Center. Building on the achievements of the previous event, DTICX 2024 aims to continue facilitating connections between tech solution providers and industry sectors to further advance digital transformation in Indonesia. Why DTI-CX? Digital Transformation Indonesia is for the heroes that are leading and managing transformational IT projects and those seeking to embark on their digital transformation journey to remain relevant and scale their business. However, Forrester found that just 43% of firms in Indonesia are currently implementing or expanding their digital transformation. Meanwhile, 34% are on a Digital Transformation Journey and planning to start their transformation by the end of 2021. Most organizations focus their transformation efforts on a specific business unit, product, or service line. Therefore, DTI launched Digital Transformation Indonesia Conference and Expo (DTI-CX) which brings together corporates, SOEs, and governments who are looking for tech partners to learn and execute their digital transformation plan in the future to transform people, business, and data. DTI realizes that when it comes to digital transformation, there’s a lot to consider with transformation and we are focused on the “now factor” and on implementation with holistic solutions and avoiding the hyperbole around technologies. DTI-CX provides you an opportunity to meet with key stakeholders in enterprise solutions, data, cloud, Ai, communications, system integration, training, and many more.

  • Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai - Waiting for ToTheMoon
    Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai - Waiting for ToTheMoon

    by Admin

      On April 15-16, the international forum Blockchain Life 2024 will bring together more than 8,000 crypto leaders and thousands of international companies at the main event of the year in Dubai.See the Official Trailer 2024:  Trailer Youtube Blockchain Life 2024 Buy a ticket: Buy Ticket Blockchain Life Here! What to expect: Premium community of crypto whales and industry leaders More than 160 experts having a speech and analyzing the market from the 2 stages More than 150 key industry companies featured at the exhibition and promising Startups Dozens of teams at the Startup Pitch contest – traditionally many of these projects will rise in a few months Smart networking app to find the one among the thousands Numerous formats for business networking The legendary AfterParty at one of the world's most renowned clubs – SKY2.0 On the 2 stages of the event attendees can anticipate market analysis and forecasts from the top crypto exchanges as well as investing strategies from the leading crypto funds.Among the top speakers are: Justin Sun (Founder of TRON, Member of the HTX Global Advisory Board) Sergei Khitrov (Founder of Blockchain Life, Jets.Capital and Listing.Help)  Paolo Ardoino (CEO of Tether, CTO of Bitfinex) Dominic Williams (Founder and Chief Scientist of DFINITY (ICP)) Xinxi Wang (Co-Founder of Litecoin Foundation) Andrei Grachev (Managing Partner of DWF Labs) Danilo S. Carlucci (Founder and CEO of Morningstar Ventures) Rene Reinsberg (Co-Founder of Celo and President of Celo Foundation) Pascal Gauthier (Chairman and CEO of Ledger) Jason Lau (Chief Innovation Officer at OKX) and many more Buy a ticket to Blockchain Life 2024 with a 10% discount using promo code BL-KBI2024 Check the detail here: Blockchain Life 2024

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